Most cases of mesothelioma occur due to exposure to asbestos, usually in the workplace. Other root causes of mesothelioma include genetic susceptibility, exposure to the simian virus 40 (SV 40) and exposure to radiation. If you suspect that you suffer from this somewhat-rare form of cancer, you need to speak with a licensed physician immediately.
If you already know that you have mesothelioma, you may wish to consider litigation against the company or entity that exposed you to asbestos. Many people with this form of cancer have gotten justice, in the form of lucrative cash settlements, even when their exposure happened years or decades prior to diagnosis.
In order to boost your chances of getting the cash settlement that you deserve, you must seek out a lawyer with extensive experience. Attorneys who routinely win settlements for clients with mesothelioma will offer the best odds to their clientele. By finding the right lawyer, you’ll reduce stress during your court case, and you may even be able to settle out of court.
Now that you know more about this type of cancer and why it happens, you’ll be ready to make a wise and informed decision about whether or not you should sue the company that exposed you to carcinogenic asbestos.